Chapters in Books
1. (a) Diseases of the newborn (chapter Pg 357 – 363) in Essentials of Obstetrics Eds: Arulkumaran S, Sivanesaratnam V, Chatterjee A, Kumar; Ist Edition. Jaypee Brothers New Delhi, 2004.
a. (b) 3rd Edn. 2014
2. Establishing Level ll Care Neonatal Units (chapter, Pg 433 – 439) in NNF Manual of Neonatal Care, Eds.Mondkar J, Peejavar RK, 1st Edition, Prism Books, Bangalore, 2004.
3. Neonatal seizures: In. Achar’s Text Book of Neonatology.4th Edition Eds. Swarnarekha Bhat .pg 181, University press Hyderabad (2009).
4. Cranial Ultrasonography Evidence based Guidelines NNF Eds. Dr. Praveen Kumar.
5.Oxygen Therapy : ( Chapter 30 , Pg 463 – 476) In Mathur’s Essential Neonatology Ed. NB Mathur,, 1st Edition Noble Vision New Delhi 2012.
6. Necrotizing Enterocolitis ( chapter..) Textbook of Pediatrics for Postgraduates. Piyush Gupta, PSN Menon, Siddarth Ramji, Rakesh Lodha ( 2015)